Author Archives: bellamusica

About bellamusica

Bella Musica Chorus is a community chamber chorus located in Berkeley, CA.

New Nota!

Another great Nota from Aline has been posted. If you haven’t checked out the Notas, please do so — they’re short and sweet, but informative. Great work tonight on the “Fecit Potentiam” sections of the Bach and Victoria, plus more … Continue reading

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Nota Bene Bella & Shameless Plugs

The latest installment of the Nota Bene Bella newsletter is available here, with many thanks to Aline! Also, a couple of extra “Shameless Plugs” that didn’t make the Nota: Brahms German Requiem: the Arlington Community Church Chorus presents this beloved … Continue reading

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Victoria practice files are posted

Practice files for the Victoria Magnificat have been posted. Since some people are switching around on parts, the practice files are broken up into sections, so that you can “mix and match” to get the parts you want. For all … Continue reading

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Bach Practice files are posted

Practice files in mp3 format have been posted for movements 1, 4, 7, 11, and 12 of the Bach Magnificat. You can play them directly from the website, or download them to your own computer — on most systems, you … Continue reading

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Announcements & Forum

Welcome to our updated webpage! Chorus announcements will be posted here, and you can also post your own questions.

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