Those of you in the bellasingers Yahoo group should have already received this announcement, but if you didn’t, here it is again:
Greetings, Bella Musica singers,
As most of you know, our chorus has a deep connection with our founder, Arlene Sagan. This connection has been so fundamental that many of us had expected to continue the chorus only as long as Arlene still wanted to be our director.
At this point in time, Arlene can no longer fully commit to continuing with us. However… late though the hour may be, some members have expressed a desire to continue, and some wonderful local musicians have expressed an interest in working with us as conductors. This interest is deeply gratifying, and attests to both the joy of making music and the value of the community we have shared for the past 15 years.
In order to make a decision about going forward, we on the board would like to hear from the *whole group* to get a feel for the level of interest. We have created a very brief survey to find out how many people would like to continue singing with Bella Musica, and to learn more about our interests as a choral community.
You can take the anonymous survey here:
Only the 4th question (Are you interested in continuing the chorus?) is actually required, but the other information would be helpful for planning purposes. The whole survey should not take more than about 5 minutes to answer.
The Bella Musica board will be meeting on Sunday, Dec. 4, and we’ll be very interested in any responses received by that time. However, the survey will continue to be available through Dec. 11.
Again, thank you all for your participation and support over the years.
Wishing you joy and much music,